Progress, all be it quite slow progress, is being made on turning the old typewritten logs into logs on here. There have been a lot of problems with scanning/OCR but we’ve now got it to a point that the majority of text is usable. Also we need to read through each log closely to look for what route was actually done – for example one trip on the Trent involved detours up to Nottingham County Hall and also to Sawley Marina which wasn’t immediately obvious. We’ve also found that some of the locations mentioned in the logs don’t exist in Canalplan (hire bases that have closed down and vanished totally) which means we need to create new places in Canalplan and then wait until we can get those places into the blogs so we can then manage the route correctly.
However there are some wonderful gems in the logs:

None of these are available any more and we’ve no idea how many other people will ever scan theirs and make theirs available